The Luxembourg private wealth management company (SPF)
The form of the SPF, Luxembourg's private wealth management company, excludes all forms of partnerships. A Luxembourg SPF must be a SARL, SA, a cooperative or a corporate partnership limited by shares.
A Luxembourg SPF cannot have any commercial activity and must be purely a holding, ...
Luxembourg SARL company (Luxembourg limited liability company)
The articles of incorporation of a Luxembourg SARL (limited liability company) must be signed before a public notary.
A Luxembourg SARL (LLC) must have a minimum of one shareholder and a maximum of 40. They can be natural persons or moral personalities. Their liability is limited to the value ...
The Luxembourg Trust: Luxembourg Private Foundation
In order to make itself even more attractive as a financial center and to compete with legislation from Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Belgium and Holland, Luxembourg has added a highly anticipated inheritance planning instrument to its legislative arsenal, a tool which could be qualified as a ...
Convertible bonds
A convertible bond offers bondholders the possibility to convert their bond into shares (according to a predefined conversion rate, for example one bond for one share).
Since convertible bonds allow bondholders to obtain company shares, the issuance of convertible bonds must follow the same ...
Selling a business in Luxembourg
Selling a business includes selling the tangible and intangible assets which make up the business (brand, trade name, furniture, materials, installations, right to lease and clientele: the last point being the unifying element of business).
In Luxembourg, selling a business occurs when the ...
Activities authorized for a Luxembourg private wealth management companies (Luxembourg SPF)
One of the conditions that a SPF company must satisfy to benefit from this unique tax system is to limit its business activities to the acquisition, ...
Partnerships limited by shares (Luxembourg SCA)
A partnership limited by shares (known as either SCA or SECA in Luxembourg) is a tool which is increasingly used in international tax planning operations, due to its original hybrid structure. These companies have certain characteristics of both a partnership and a corporation.
There are two ...
Establishing a business in Luxembourg: choosing a branch or an affiliate
Setting up a corporate branch in Luxembourg is carried out through private deed recorded in the Trade Register and published in the Memorial. A branch does not have its own share capital or own moral personality independent from the main company on which it depends. As a result, it cannot go ...