Our professional training program

Fiduciaire Luxembourg Paris Genève (LPG Fiduciary), a recognized accounting firm active in Luxembourg for over 20 years, offers a wide range of training courses, particularly in the following areas:

  • Accounting training,
  • Training in computerized accounting,
  • Training in corporate taxation,
  • Training in taxation of the liberal professions,
  • Training in personal taxation,
  • Training in the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism (LCBFT),
  • Training in personnel administration,
  • Training in wage and salary accounting.

LPG Fiduciary professional training courses combine theoretical training with practical case studies enriched by the field experience of our trainers, making them easy to apply. Our training courses enable you to keep abreast of new regulations and guarantee your employability in an ever-changing market.

LPG trainings

27 February 2018 Legitech What are the accounting and tax principles of self-employed legal professionals?
Denis COLIN (Managing Partner, LPG Fiduciary).
21 March 2018 Legitech Tax and accounting obligations for lawyers: best practices.
Denis COLIN (Managing Partner, LPG Fiduciary).
17 May 2018 IFE Accounting news.
Denis COLIN (Managing Partner, LPG Fiduciary).
31 May 2018 Legitech Corporate taxation: mastering tax returns.
Denis COLIN (Managing Partner, LPG Fiduciary).
24 October 2018 Finix Events Taxation of real estate income.
Denis COLIN (Managing Partner, LPG Fiduciary).
28 February 2019 Legitech The tax principles involved in practicing a liberal legal profession.
Denis COLIN (Managing Partner, LPG Fiduciary).
26 March 2019 IFE The basics of Lux GAAP accounting.
Denis COLIN (Managing Partner, LPG Fiduciary).
3 April 2019 IFE Accounting, tax and social security news for 2019.
Denis COLIN (Managing Partner, LPG Fiduciary).
25 April 2019 Legitech Notes to the annual accounts.
Denis COLIN (Managing Partner, LPG Fiduciary).
21 May 2019 Legitech Taxation of personal and professional real estate assets.
Denis COLIN (Managing Partner, LPG Fiduciary).
Alexandre ANDRE (Tax Advisor, LPG Fiduciary).
5 June 2019 Jeune Barreau de Luxembourg Tax and accounting obligations for lawyers.
Denis COLIN (Managing Partner, LPG Fiduciary).
27 June 2019 Legitech Corporate taxation: mastering the tax return.
Denis COLIN (Managing Partner, LPG Fiduciary).
Autumn-Winter 2019 Luxembourg Lifelong Learning Center Staff administration.
LPG Fiduciary.
1st October 2019 IFE The basics of Lux GAAP accounting.
Denis COLIN (Managing Partner, LPG Fiduciary).
22 October 2019 IFE The 2020 Standard Chart of Accounts and accounting news.
Denis COLIN (Managing Partner, LPG Fiduciary).
15 November 2019 IFE Moving from accounting income to tax income.
Denis COLIN (Managing Partner, LPG Fiduciary).
20 November 2019 Finix Event SCI, creations, liquidations, and good conditions of use.
Denis COLIN (Managing Partner, LPG Fiduciary).
Gregory HOMANS
Sébastien THIRY
Véronique DE MEESTER.
4 December 2019 Legitech The 2020 Accounting Plan (PCN 2020).
Denis COLIN (Managing Partner, LPG Fiduciary).
12 December 2019 IFE Standard Chart of Accounts, 2020 and accounting news.
Denis COLIN (Managing Partner, LPG Fiduciary).
11 February 2020 Legitech Taxation of personal and professional real estate assets.
Denis COLIN (Managing Partner, LPG Fiduciary).
Alexandre ANDRE (Tax Advisor, LPG Fiduciary).
25 February 2020 Legitech SCI: legal, accounting and tax aspects.
Denis COLIN (Managing Partner, LPG Fiduciary).
31 March 2020 LPG ASBL Accounting.
Denis COLIN (Managing Partner, LPG Fiduciary).
30 June 2020 IFE Standard Chart of Accounts, 2020 and accounting news.
Denis COLIN (Managing Partner, LPG Fiduciary).
16 July 2020 Legitech What's new in accounting law?
Denis COLIN (Managing Partner, LPG Fiduciary).
28 September 2020 IFE Accounting, social and tax news.
Denis COLIN (LPG).
Carole HEIN (Deloitte)
Bruno Gasparotto (Arendt & Medernach)
Gilles Barbabianca (Administration de l'Enregistrement et des Domaines et de la TVA)
Guilhèm BECVORT (Allen & Overy).
21 October 2020 Legitech What's new in accounting law?
Denis COLIN (Managing Partner, LPG Fiduciary).
18 November 2020 Legitech Taxation of personal and professional real estate assets.
Denis COLIN (Managing Partner, LPG Fiduciary).
Alexandre ANDRE (Tax Advisor, LPG Fiduciary).
10 December 2020 IFE Moving from accounting income to tax income.
Denis COLIN (Managing Partner, LPG Fiduciary).
19 March 2021 Legitech Notes to the annual accounts.
Denis COLIN (Managing Partner, LPG Fiduciary).
11 June 2021 IFE Moving from accounting income to tax income.
Denis COLIN (Managing Partner, LPG Fiduciary).
28 September 2021 IFE Accounting, legal and tax news, training.
Denis COLIN (Managing Partner, LPG Fiduciary).
Gilles Barbabianca (Administration de l'Enregistrement et des Domaines et de la TVA)
Guilhèm BECVORT (Allen & Overy)
Paolo PANICO (Private Trustees SA)
Jonathan VARLOUD (Allen & Overy).
6 October 2021 Legitech Legal formalities following the preparation of the annual financial statements.
Denis COLIN (Managing Partner, LPG Fiduciary).
25 November 2021 IFE Accounting, tax and legal news on non-trading property companies.
Denis COLIN (Managing Partner, LPG Fiduciary).
Bruno Gasparotto (VAT Principal, Arendt & Medernach).
9 December 2021 IFE Moving from accounting income to tax income.
Denis COLIN (Managing Partner, LPG Fiduciary).
19 May 2022 ABILWAYS Luxembourg Accounting, legal and tax news.
Denis COLIN (Managing Partner, LPG Fiduciary).
Guilhem BECVORT (Senior Associate, Allen & Overy).
Gilles BARBABIANCA (Assistant to the Legal Department, Administration de l'Enregistrement, des Domaines et de la TVA).
Serge HOFFMANN (Partner, PwC Legal).
Alexandra CLOUTE (Senior Associate, Arendt & Medernach).
Sophie BALLIET (Tax &Transfer Pricing Counsel, Allen & Overy).
20 May 2022 Legitech From accounting profit to tax profit: the 500 model (and its appendices).
Denis COLIN (Managing Partner, LPG Fiduciary).
13 June 2022 Finix Events SCI: when to use them? How to avoid the pitfalls?
Denis COLIN (Managing Partner, LPG Fiduciary).
15 June 2022 Legitech Everything you need to know about the legal formalities to be carried out once the annual financial statements have been drawn up.
Denis COLIN (Managing Partner, LPG Fiduciary).
9 November 2022 Legitech Notes to the annual accounts.
Denis COLIN (Managing Partner, LPG Fiduciary).
31 January 2023 Legitech SCI, legal, accounting and tax aspects.
Denis COLIN (Managing Partner, LPG Fiduciary).
20 April 2023 Legitech Retrospective on accounting news for 2020 - 2023.
Denis COLIN (Managing Partner, LPG Fiduciary).           
27 April 2023 ABILWAYS Luxembourg Accounting and tax news.
Denis COLIN (Managing Partner, LPG Fiduciary).
Guilhem Becvort.
5 June 2023 Finix Events SCI: what opportunities for real estate investments?
Denis COLIN (Managing Partner, LPG Fiduciary). 
19 December 2023 Legitech Evidence of money laundering.
Denis COLIN (Managing Partner, LPG Fiduciary).
18 April 2024 ABILWAYS Luxembourg Accounting news.
Denis COLIN (Managing Partner, LPG Fiduciary).
6 February 2025 ABILWAYS Luxembourg Business and corporate law news.
Denis COLIN (Managing Partner, LPG Fiduciary).
Pierre-Alexandre DEGEHET (Partner, KLEYR GRASSO).
Valérie KOPERA (Counsel, Baker McKenzie)
Armel WAISSE (Partner, MOLITOR)
Renaud Le Squeren (Partner)
Ugné Davainyte (Senior associate, DSM Avocats à la cour)
16 June 2025 (to come) Finix Events Sociétés civiles immobilières.
Ufuk ZOBALI (Director, LPG Fiduciary).

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